

Making the most of our time on earth.


Who Am I?

I’m Brian Lukyn, a Canadian based out of British Columbia, when not exploring international locales. I identify as a Health Advocate, Adventurer, and amateur Photographer.

My lifestyle includes; living between Canada and Thailand.

  • staying active and in as good health as possible, and willing to prioritize this in my life.
  • more freedom and a lot less stress.

Professionally, I’ve spent many years working in the fields of rehabilitation and career counselling for adults, and seen the impact poor health has on one’s ability to live a rewarding and fulfilling life.

With a B.Sc.in Psychology, Biology from the University of Victoria and a number of additional rehabilitation, counselling and other qualifications obtained over the years. I also have a 1st and 2nd Age of life experiences to draw from, as do you!

I believe in taking control of our own lifestyle as best we can, which became the impetus for writing The Un-Retirement Guide: A Complete Life Wellness Plan for 50+ Boomers.

The Un-Retirement Guide is also a valuable resource for all Generations.

My upcoming book focuses more on Gen Y,Z and Alpha, those bringing up the rear guard, sooner than later replacing the Gen B and X.people in the labor market..

A few choice nuggets about me:

  • My personal core values are: Health, Connection and Self-Fulfillment.
  • One of my 3rd Age goals is to continue to travel and photograph amazing Southeast Asia.
  • My mother told me I was a late bloomer and I believe our 3rd age is a time to keep blooming.
  • I was the middle-aged child with 6 siblings in a Catholic family.
  • When I was younger, I always wanted to be older and now that I’m here, I’m realizing it wasn’t such a bad wish to have.
  • I spend time throughout the week giving my mind a rest – through breathing, meditation and yoga practice to encourage my intuitive self to speak up.
  • I found myself down the wrong career path but managed to publish 4 scientific reports in the process.
  • I’m still learning to be comfortable being vulnerable, in my quest to accept who I am.

Thank you for visiting.
