

Digital versus Info Tech, Skill Gaps and Job Demand

Digital versus Info Tech, Skill Gaps and Job Demand

  What is the difference between Digital and Information Technology. A basic definition is: digital describes the content distributed through technological channels while InfoTech is the hardware that facilitates the distribution. The technology sector consists...

Labor and skill shortages in Canada

Labor and skill shortages in Canada

  There are many different jobs, like working as a pilot for the Canadian Snowbirds, shown here. Each occupation/job will require varying degrees of education, skills or experience. This post provides an overview of the labor and skill shortages in Canada.. In...

A Primer on the Mind, Heart and Body

A Primer on the Mind, Heart and Body

  With all the information out there about the mind heart and body, I am writing  this post to help clarify their relationship to each other. Please read through the list that follows. It supports how incredible the mind, heart and body are.. Mind, Heart, Body...

The Essential Skills of Conscious Breathing and Meditation

The Essential Skills of Conscious Breathing and Meditation

  Staying in the present moment is the ultimate (yet elusive) goal of any meditation practice. There are many types of meditation. This post will focus on a breath centered meditation. Learning to meditate is like learning any other skill, it requires practice to...

What is the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse?

  To begin this post let's back up a bit to; The Information Age, also known as the Digital Age, is a period in human history which begins in the mid-to-late 20th century ( 1950’s) and lasts to the present day, representing the current time period we are now in....

Industry 4.0 and Cyber-Physical systems

Industry 4.0 and Cyber-Physical systems

  The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0 are often used interchangeably but, " the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Digital Transformation itself. However, digital transformation is not limited to industry. We are witnessing Digital Transformations in...

North American job skills for 2024 and beyond.

North American job skills for 2024 and beyond.

  ­­­­­­­Different uses of the word ‘Skill’ in the labor market The Merriam Webster dictionary defines skill as: “the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice.” Skill is used by itself or in other forms like skill set, soft skill,...

Traits of Gen B, X,Y, Z and Alpha, mass retirements and more..

Traits of Gen B, X,Y, Z and Alpha, mass retirements and more..

Generations such as the Greatest, Interwar, Boomers (B), X,Y, Z and Alpha were each born during specific social, economic and political circumstances. Being exposed to the first or second world wars, a man on the moon, the mobile phone, 9-11 or the covid pandemic and...

Create your wellness lifestyle with a plan.

Create your wellness lifestyle with a plan.

             Wellness is a lifestyle you choose daily to manage and fulfill your needs.   Three important areas may be improved by practicing this lifestyle:   Disease Prevention The incidence or effects of disease or illness may be reduced. Complete,...