Do emotions have intelligence?


Watch this  short, concise, colorful  animation by Brendon Gouveia if you are interested in a breakdown of emotional intelligence.

E.I. is important to the thoughts we formulate and the choices we make and our overall well being.



Fact or fiction


Yiwu China Buddha

Happiness is not a fluffy concept developed in modern times. On the Pursuit of Happiness website the following sentence denotes a sense of history: “The psychological and philosophical pursuit of happiness began in China, India and Greece nearly 2,500 years ago with Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, and Aristotle.”

Wikipedia informs that: “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. These are “unalienable rights” which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.

Happiness as a term then has a long history and remains in the minds and hearts of men and women.

A Wellness lifestyle is oriented to achieving increasing levels of happiness, also known as wellbeing or positive mental and emotional states.

Why not look into what Wellness entails?

The spiritual dimension of wellness


The Hettler model of Wellness in part has this to say: “A person engaged in the process of spiritual wellness is willing and able to transcend oneself in order to question the meaning and purpose in his/her life and the lives of others. He/she is involved in the process of questioning all that is around him/her and has an appreciation for that which cannot be completely understood. This person seeks to find harmony between that which lies within and the social and physical forces that come from outside.”

Dr. Hettler’s model was built on the work of other wellness pioneers and is a respected approach. The spiritual dimension is one of six in the Hettler model; the others are the physical, emotional,  intellectual, spiritual, social and occupational. Other models may include a financial and environmental dimension. Together they comprise the multi-dimensional beings we are.

These dimensions are inter-connected and if one is out of balance the others are affected. The spiritual dimension explores the why in our lives.

Participating in organized religion could be part of an individual’s  spiritual wellness. There are also those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious and pursue wellness through other activities.

Wellness is a choice and self-designed lifestyle.

Many hands make light work

This shot was taken in Pondicherry India at a construction site. No steel toed boots here or any other safety equipment were worn.The temperature was in the 30’s C with high humidity but overall these men looked like they were enjoying themselves.

Workmen in Pondicherry

Working full time, running a side business, raising families and other demands on our time and energy can result in our lives being out of balance. To prevent this from happening we need to delegate, manage our time and put together a good team to get things done and stay well! I almost forgot the therapeutic power of travelling- speaking for myself of course!